Hi all! I have been stuck in the house all day because the tree cutters are here. I had no idea it was an all day project! I had much to be doing other than sitting at home.
So in order to cure my boredom, I got busy with some math stations (among many other things). I am working on a theme unit of penguins for our return in January. My kiddos have been working on comparing numbers, greater/less than, rounding to the nearest ten, and skip counting. So I made these guys with some cute penguins!
Check it out and leave me some comment love...

I am working on penguin poems, can/have/are charts, and a reading response to Tacky...BUT I need some ideas for literacy stations. I am STUCK on word work...I will be implementing the Daily 5 when we return, and I am trying to come up with some word work stations that can be the same each week with just the word or phonics skill changing...but I am at a loss as where to start! So help a fellow teacher out and tell me what you do for word work. (Note-these kids are VERY visual...so the normal dry erase boards and magnetic letters will not keep them working!) =)