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Monday, December 19, 2011


Hi all! I have been stuck in the house all day because the tree cutters are here. I had no idea it was an all day project! I had much to be doing other than sitting at home.

So in order to cure my boredom, I got busy with some math stations (among many other things).
I am working on a theme unit of penguins for our return in January. My kiddos have been working on comparing numbers, greater/less than, rounding to the nearest ten, and skip counting. So I made these guys with some cute penguins!
Check it out and leave me some comment love...

I am working on penguin poems, can/have/are charts, and a reading response to Tacky...BUT I need some ideas for literacy stations. I am STUCK on word work...I will be implementing the Daily 5 when we return, and I am trying to come up with some word work stations that can be the same each week with just the word or phonics skill changing...but I am at a loss as where to start! So help a fellow teacher out and tell me what you do for word work. (Note-these kids are VERY the normal dry erase boards and magnetic letters will not keep them working!) =)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gingerbread Love...

Update: Gingerbread Literacy Activities & Gingerbread Numbers have been posted to TPT and TN. =) Check below for a rounding freebie!

It's the afternoon and I am still in my pj's! =) I *wish* I could say I just rolled out of bed, but that is not the case...I have been busy working on some gingerbead-ish things for my class this week. After blog hopping, well, stalking, I found lots of great stuff (which I will be using!).
Here comes the but...But I really needed something more for my second graders. I needed fun incorporated with skill review because we have a big *theme* test this week in reading!
So I have been busy at work with this...

which led to this...

and three hours later...this...
As if that wasn't enough...I started thinking about math...
and more math
which then became this...

Here's a freebie for you!Click on the picture to grab it.

I think I may have lost my mind. What should have taken me no time to write lesson plans for this week...has now not even been started! =) I have my math stations and my literacy to spread them across the week!!!
And just to be clear, these are geared toward my second graders...(I know the blog still says first...I have both now! =))

If you have read this are in luck! I think I need someone, well probably more than one someone, to proof these and give me some feedback! So I will give both units AWAY to the first three people willing to proof and provide feedback. =) Just leave your name and email in the comments. I will email them to you! =)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Over at the First Grade Parade, I got these SUPER cute Writer's Eye bulletin board signs...

Well, I needed some for punctuation. So here they are...idea totally inspired to match Mrs. Caroll's Writer's Eye at the First Grade Parade.

Click here or on the picture to grab them!
Let me know if you would like me to add more...My brain ran out of umphhhh while I was working on them. And I really only need these right now.
Please leave me some comment love if you download them! =)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Making Predictions

I cannot believe we are at the end of October already! To celebrate 45 days complete in the school year..I am having a sale at Teacher's Notebook! Everything in my shop is 20% off...including my new mini-unit on making predictions.

Over the next 2 weeks, my students will be learning about making predictions. I have found with this particular bunch of students, the more pre-reading thinking and writing they do, the more concrete it becomes for them. They really struggle with comprehension. Is it just my class or do we have a whole generation of students who cannot think without guidance? They seem to want every answer given to them and if by chance they actually have a thought...they give me this pleading look of "I'm not really sure...but can you tell me if it's the RIGHT answer?" While they are as sweet as can be, I have a loooooonnnnnngggggg way to go with creating thinkers in my class.

Here is a sample from the Making Predictions mini-unit, which is 20% off in my Teacher's Notebook store!

Predictions Sample

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hi there! I had forgotten how much time it takes to plan for the holidays. My teaching buddy and I were busy late last night putting together a bat unit from all the great resources on your blogs!

Today I am working on a spider unit. I thought I'd post what I gotten with some of the great activities other bloggers shared!

My kids will be doing making words using the arachnids activity from Swimming into Second.
Click the picture to get her cute making words form.
There is also a cute spider themed writing page.
We are going to create a spider can, have, are anchor chart. The students will create their own as well to use as a prewriting activity.
I also made some anchor chart labels to match!
I found some really cute ideas on Today in First Grade. I will be incorporating those too!

For math, we will be graphing whether or not we are afraid of spiders.
I am still working on other activities.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Henry & Mudge

Okay, here is my first attempt at creating something other than classroom decor and games! This week our basal story is Henry & Mudge...I am also responsible for the hallway bulletin board for I am thinking we are going with Puppy Love and creating all things Mudge! (I know, October is fall and Halloween is coming...but my mind is sooooo not there yet! And I really need to get these kiddos comprehending!) So let me know what you think! I am giving this mini-unit, I guess you could call it, away for free until Monday at download away!
Please leave me some love with some feedback and let me know if you find an errors!
Click on the photo below to purchase!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Whew! I am DONE!

It has been a LONG 2 weeks...but my room is finally done! My fabulous sisters and my nieces came and did LOTS of help! I never would have finished if they hadn't helped. I must say, I think my room came out pretty good! And I must give credit where credit is due, as there are LOTS of things in my room that came from other bloggers...craft projects, wall displays, etc. You all are a great inspiration and have reminded me why I love teaching and how my kids deserve the best! You will see lots of links to other bloggers where ideas were inspired, begged, borrowed, stolen, and some tweaks!

And now for the pictures....

The view from the door....

You can see The Pledge of Allegiance from Kristen, at Ladybug's Teacher Files
Love her stuff! So cute and she makes AMAZING stuff...including this blog template!

Here is the calendar math wall. These great cards were created by Lindsay and Kerri at teachersbitsandbobs. Then there is my SMARTboard!! Love that tool!

This is my computer center. Student work will be posted on the wall behind it.

Then there is this new addition this year...Bucket Filling...also inspired by Mel at Oh, the Places We'll Go. She had these fantastic signs to go on the wall! Love it! I have had so many questions and compliments about it...all thanks to her!!!! Underneath the board, is my writing station.

The library.... you can see more here....back in the classroom.

This is my comprehension tool board...the original file was purchased from Amanda at One Extra Degree. I added some boarder and tweaked it for my needs. Loved her posters! I painted clothespins orange and hot glued them to the board, so I could put the strategy posters up and take them down when I need to! I also hot glued some tools on the board. I have a toolbox with the toy tools and they have labels as to their strategy. Go give her some kuddos and purchase your own set of posters!!!

This is my math manipulatives station. There is another cubbie shelf you can't see...I think I may have too many (and I gave away ALOT)! The picture on the right is another student work display on the cabinets which line the back of the room.

This is the wall in the library...the chart is for recording AR quizzes...and Our Book List will be for recommendations. Our Book List came from Kristen at Ladybug's Teacher Files.

FACE of a Reader board for comprehension strategies...header cards were purchased from Mrs. Balbaugh. She has a great packet for CAFE and Daily 5. The picture on the right is reading strategies from Jena at First Grade with Miss Snowden. I printed them smaller and added a border around them. They are too cute!!

Here is my small group area and teacher stuff...I don't use a desk. Also, my summer project...binders FULL of all the great things teacher bloggers share!!!!

On the top, you can see my pintrest inspired crayon box and pen cup.

Whew!!! I think that is it!!! Kids on Monday and I am so excited to start fresh and renewed!!

I kinda LOVE my classroom...I could almost live there...what do YOU think?

Link up with TBA!

Check out these classroom photos!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Top Ten Reasons You Know It's Back to School Time

I know I am breaking the blogging rules by posting twice in one day...but I stumbled across Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits and she is having a linky party...Top Ten Reasons You Know It Is Back To School Time. I just HAVE to join!

10. No more flip feet are killing me just thinking about heels, closed-toed shoes, and again, NO flip flops..=( (Hear me crying???)

9. I have been randomly saying "Ms. Beattie like Katie" over and over in my head, so when I get called "Ms. Batty" my response will be on automatic pilot.

8. I am on my 3rd, yes, 3rd color ink cartridge this week...and I have to STOP with the "..." that could be a bad habit I pass on to my kids!

7. I have no fingernails left from hanging things in my classroom, then taking them down, and rehanging them the EXACT same way, some place else!

6. My daily to do list no longer consists of nothing...instead it just keeps getting longer!

5. I am already missing the freedom of going to the bathroom whenever I want...

4. There is no gum in my purse...sigh...This is HUGE for me...I am having withdrawals!

3. I can no longer see the dinner stuff has taken over!

2. I have spent more money on my classroom than should be allowed...It should be illegal for teachers to shop...just sayin'...have you seen my table tops in the classroom? Target, Wal-Mart, and Dollar Tree are NOT a teacher's BFF...I think we need a 12 step program for this....

1. My family is headed for a visit...well, not a visit...but an emotional, physical, and classroom support system! Their save this teacher from the looney bin this week and to stop as many meltdowns as crunch time is coming!

What are your top ten reasons? Link up!
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

Friday, August 5, 2011

Back into the Classroom

Another day spent in the classroom...The first day back was spent cleaning and arranging furniture. Then I spent almost 8, yes that is 8, hours labeling and leveling the library!

Today I at least felt more productive...I got my  themed clip chart up and ready to go! Just need to finish off the clothespins tonight.

I finished up the library with basket labels and putting out my new *blue* book boxes! Love them! I have to say, the library is almost done with the exception of the furniture. I am still working on a plan for that. (Ignore the mess on the floor...working on those piles too!) Oh, and there's still the Library Thing project...but more about that on a later post!

On the back cabinets, I added border and Cat in the Hat clothespins to display student work.

I think I left several incomplete projects scattered about my room. The jobs board, calendar math, CAFE board, and word wall are all about half-way done....I seem to like to stop half-way through each project! =) The rest of the room is a mess..piles everywhere. Slowly...I'll get there! So how are your rooms coming along??? I'd love to see some pictures!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Busy Week!

This is what my classroom looked like when I arrived earlier this week...What a mess! FYI- this is not how I packed my room up...this is what happens when the cleaning crew comes through and really, actually cleans! So thankful my room got a great cleaning...not so thankful for the mess...=)
Where to start???

After moving furniture around, I was able to make an area
to get busy painting! One of my past students came to help me, and we got four bookcases painted. I got some things moved back into place as the paint was drying...
and here is where we left off on day one... My small group table and teacher bookshelf back in place. The long blue bookshelf off to the side is the student library area. Soon those shelves will be full again!

This is the front of my room, with the love of my life...SMARTboard....(don't mind the book baskets stacked on the floor...there is some organizing to be done there!)

This is a shot of the classroom from the front door. as you can see, it is a work in progress!

Today we moved onto a DIY project that I saw on What the Teacher Wants....

Love them! Sorry about the camera! I will post better pictures tomorrow. This was such a quick and easy project! The most exciting part is the kids can sit on them and I can use them for storage at the same time...Brilliant idea whoever thought of it!

More follow-up pictures Back to the Classroom.

I know you love to see them as much as I do so share your pics. This is a blog hop so once you post your link don't forget to grab the code, scroll down a little ways to the green link, and place at the end of your post so that the list shows up on your blog too!


Thanks for joining in on the fun

1. 1st Grade BlueSKies  5. Funky First Grade Fun  9. Kreative in Kinder  
2. Mrs. Boyer's Busy Bees  6. Ms. Beattie 1/2 Split  10. Fabulous in First  
3. A Teacher's Treasure  7. GrowinginPreK  11. Blog Stalker  
4. Mrs. Coffeys Kindergarten  8. Keen on Kindergarten  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ms. Samantha Beattie

Disclosure Policy:
This policy is valid from 01 April 2012. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact
Mrs. Samantha Rose  @
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Some of the links on my site are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase from one. Samantha Rose is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for the site to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


Hi! I am Samantha Beattie and I am thrilled you’ve come to visit my blog! Way back in 2002, I graduated from Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida, with a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, age 3 thru grade 3. Since I began my teaching career, I have completed Gifted, ELL, and Reading Endorsements.
In 2012, I completed my Master’s degree in Brain-based Teaching Reading & Literacy, thru Nova’s BrainSMART program. It was a phenomenal program on current brain research and how the brain learns to read. Every day, I added a new tool to my toolbox and I was amazed at my growth as a teacher; and more importantly the growth of my munchkins.
I have been teaching first grade for fourteen years. I could not see myself teaching any other grade. I have a passion for reading, and love to teach the munchkins to read! I wait all year for that light bulb moment, and when it comes, there is nothing in the world like it. To see a munchkin read for the first time, and truly get an amazing thing to see.
Again, I am so happy you are here! I am look forward to what new roads this blogging journey leads to…
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