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Monday, December 19, 2011


Hi all! I have been stuck in the house all day because the tree cutters are here. I had no idea it was an all day project! I had much to be doing other than sitting at home.

So in order to cure my boredom, I got busy with some math stations (among many other things).
I am working on a theme unit of penguins for our return in January. My kiddos have been working on comparing numbers, greater/less than, rounding to the nearest ten, and skip counting. So I made these guys with some cute penguins!
Check it out and leave me some comment love...

I am working on penguin poems, can/have/are charts, and a reading response to Tacky...BUT I need some ideas for literacy stations. I am STUCK on word work...I will be implementing the Daily 5 when we return, and I am trying to come up with some word work stations that can be the same each week with just the word or phonics skill changing...but I am at a loss as where to start! So help a fellow teacher out and tell me what you do for word work. (Note-these kids are VERY the normal dry erase boards and magnetic letters will not keep them working!) =)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gingerbread Love...

Update: Gingerbread Literacy Activities & Gingerbread Numbers have been posted to TPT and TN. =) Check below for a rounding freebie!

It's the afternoon and I am still in my pj's! =) I *wish* I could say I just rolled out of bed, but that is not the case...I have been busy working on some gingerbead-ish things for my class this week. After blog hopping, well, stalking, I found lots of great stuff (which I will be using!).
Here comes the but...But I really needed something more for my second graders. I needed fun incorporated with skill review because we have a big *theme* test this week in reading!
So I have been busy at work with this...

which led to this...

and three hours later...this...
As if that wasn't enough...I started thinking about math...
and more math
which then became this...

Here's a freebie for you!Click on the picture to grab it.

I think I may have lost my mind. What should have taken me no time to write lesson plans for this week...has now not even been started! =) I have my math stations and my literacy to spread them across the week!!!
And just to be clear, these are geared toward my second graders...(I know the blog still says first...I have both now! =))

If you have read this are in luck! I think I need someone, well probably more than one someone, to proof these and give me some feedback! So I will give both units AWAY to the first three people willing to proof and provide feedback. =) Just leave your name and email in the comments. I will email them to you! =)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Over at the First Grade Parade, I got these SUPER cute Writer's Eye bulletin board signs...

Well, I needed some for punctuation. So here they are...idea totally inspired to match Mrs. Caroll's Writer's Eye at the First Grade Parade.

Click here or on the picture to grab them!
Let me know if you would like me to add more...My brain ran out of umphhhh while I was working on them. And I really only need these right now.
Please leave me some comment love if you download them! =)

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