Saturday, August 6, 2011

Top Ten Reasons You Know It's Back to School Time

I know I am breaking the blogging rules by posting twice in one day...but I stumbled across Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits and she is having a linky party...Top Ten Reasons You Know It Is Back To School Time. I just HAVE to join!

10. No more flip feet are killing me just thinking about heels, closed-toed shoes, and again, NO flip flops..=( (Hear me crying???)

9. I have been randomly saying "Ms. Beattie like Katie" over and over in my head, so when I get called "Ms. Batty" my response will be on automatic pilot.

8. I am on my 3rd, yes, 3rd color ink cartridge this week...and I have to STOP with the "..." that could be a bad habit I pass on to my kids!

7. I have no fingernails left from hanging things in my classroom, then taking them down, and rehanging them the EXACT same way, some place else!

6. My daily to do list no longer consists of nothing...instead it just keeps getting longer!

5. I am already missing the freedom of going to the bathroom whenever I want...

4. There is no gum in my purse...sigh...This is HUGE for me...I am having withdrawals!

3. I can no longer see the dinner stuff has taken over!

2. I have spent more money on my classroom than should be allowed...It should be illegal for teachers to shop...just sayin'...have you seen my table tops in the classroom? Target, Wal-Mart, and Dollar Tree are NOT a teacher's BFF...I think we need a 12 step program for this....

1. My family is headed for a visit...well, not a visit...but an emotional, physical, and classroom support system! Their save this teacher from the looney bin this week and to stop as many meltdowns as crunch time is coming!

What are your top ten reasons? Link up!
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits


  1. wonderful!!! I relate to every one of those! ps I found printer ink on amazon this summer for $9.50. SO I went insane. I am on my 5th ream of cardstock so far..........
    Thanks for linking up!!!

  2. Reagan,
    I too went crazy on the ink...I got back reward dollars from Office Max and then BJ's was having a sale...needless to say, I did not pay $9.50 for the ink but $20 for each cartridge, which typically run $ I did save! =) I've lost count of the cardstock...and was just adding it to the list! =)
