Friday, August 5, 2011

Back into the Classroom

Another day spent in the classroom...The first day back was spent cleaning and arranging furniture. Then I spent almost 8, yes that is 8, hours labeling and leveling the library!

Today I at least felt more productive...I got my  themed clip chart up and ready to go! Just need to finish off the clothespins tonight.

I finished up the library with basket labels and putting out my new *blue* book boxes! Love them! I have to say, the library is almost done with the exception of the furniture. I am still working on a plan for that. (Ignore the mess on the floor...working on those piles too!) Oh, and there's still the Library Thing project...but more about that on a later post!

On the back cabinets, I added border and Cat in the Hat clothespins to display student work.

I think I left several incomplete projects scattered about my room. The jobs board, calendar math, CAFE board, and word wall are all about half-way done....I seem to like to stop half-way through each project! =) The rest of the room is a mess..piles everywhere. Slowly...I'll get there! So how are your rooms coming along??? I'd love to see some pictures!


  1. Can I come back to first grade??? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Your Seuss cards for the behavior chart are absolutely ADORABLE!!!!! Do you plan to sell them by chance? Also, is there any way I could beg you to come up with cards for a western theme for first grade? I use the same chart and just love love love your Seuss chart cards! Western theme cards would be awesome for mine! I would so buy them from you! Cindy

  3. Your room is looking wonderful! I love looking at classroom pictures. I so want to get my room done! {I can't get in until the 15th!}
    By the your blog cute. Anais
    First Grade Garden

  4. Your room looks awesome. I can believe the 8 hours doing that!! Your Seuss chart things are so cute. I just found your adorable blog!

  5. Thanks ladies! Anais, I am fortunate to be in a small town and we can go in as soon as the rooms are cleaned. So I was able to get in a few weeks ago. We start back on the 11th...Kristen from Ladybug created the blog....

    Thanks Busy Bess! I just became a follower of you!

  6. Will you share the behvior chart cards that you used? My husband is a teacher and will be transitioning to Kinder and is doing the Dr. Seuss theme in his room. I think this would be great. Thank you so much!

  7. Can you post a bigger picture of your dr. seuss behavior chart do you sell them?

    1. Hi! I don't have a bigger picture. =( My classroom is all packed up for the summer. I do sell the behavior charts in my TPT store.

      I have a couple themes I will be working on this week, including a "Wacky" which compliment a Seuss themed room. It is not the same as the one in my room. Those graphics are not available for resale. But these are just as cute!

      Thanks for asking,

  8. Is your Dr. Seuss behavior chart available on tpt?

    1. Hi Amanda,
      Sorry for the delayed response, I have been on vacation! =)
      The clipart I used in the original chart has been pulled.
      Here is a Wacky one I made this summer.


  9. Hello, I was wondering if I could trouble you for your original dr. seuss clip chart?? I loved it!! Let me know!

    1. HI Hillary,
      Sorry for the delayed response, I have been on vacation! =)
      The clipart I used in the original chart has been pulled.
      Here is a Wacky one I made this summer.


  10. I just love your blog. I decided on a Cat in the Hat theme 3 years ago now and put most of my room together before finding your blog. I'm always improving things (I've only been teaching 3 years). You're blog is usually a source of inspiration.

  11. Hi Alyssa,

    Thanks for the sweet words! I love my Seuss theme and so do the kids. Time flies by, I am now in my tenth year of teaching. Seems like just yesterday I started. =) Things are always changing, and with Common Core, I feel like a first year teacher all over again! =)
