Monday, May 23, 2011


Ms. Samantha Beattie

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This policy is valid from 01 April 2012. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact
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  1. Samantha- Hi- I saw where you had your behavior system with the Dr. Seuss photos. Would you be willing to share this with me? I am also a kindergarten teacher looking for behavior management ideas. Thanks,
    Ashley Judy

  2. Hi Mrs. Judy...I was just going to respond, and ask you what theme you are working on...and now I see you already purchased my chart. =) Thank you!!!

    The clipchart is an idea I saw on many blogs this summer. I am not a big fan of "turn your card" so I thought I would try this! Here is the link to the original site.
    Hope this helps! Any other questions just let me know! And thanks again for the purchase! =)
