Monday, May 23, 2011


Hi! I am Samantha Beattie and I am thrilled you’ve come to visit my blog! Way back in 2002, I graduated from Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida, with a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, age 3 thru grade 3. Since I began my teaching career, I have completed Gifted, ELL, and Reading Endorsements.
In 2012, I completed my Master’s degree in Brain-based Teaching Reading & Literacy, thru Nova’s BrainSMART program. It was a phenomenal program on current brain research and how the brain learns to read. Every day, I added a new tool to my toolbox and I was amazed at my growth as a teacher; and more importantly the growth of my munchkins.
I have been teaching first grade for fourteen years. I could not see myself teaching any other grade. I have a passion for reading, and love to teach the munchkins to read! I wait all year for that light bulb moment, and when it comes, there is nothing in the world like it. To see a munchkin read for the first time, and truly get an amazing thing to see.
Again, I am so happy you are here! I am look forward to what new roads this blogging journey leads to…


  1. Hi Ms. Beattie (Samantha),

    It is great to see you hear and read your comments about our Brain Based Teaching programs at Nova Southeastern University (BrainSMART). I am always so heartened to see how much teachers love the program and feel it has made them even more knowledgable about teaching and learning! I am going to repost your biography above on the BrainSMART Facebook site and twitter. Hope it brings you some more BrainSMART friends and feel free to join us there too! All the best to you!

  2. Samantha -

    Thank you for posting about the BrainSMART Master's program! I just went to their website and devoured it! This sounds like exactly what I need! What did you think of the program once you had finished it? Was it hard to complete within one year? It seems pretty well spaced out. Do you feel like you use this degree in your classroom? Sorry to ask so many questions. I am just very interested in this program, but I want to cover all my bases!

    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Rachel,
      It was a great program. I will not lie, it was an intense amount of work. But completely do-able in a year. I was teaching full time as well. You just have to be disciplined and able to follow an on-line class. I know on-line classes are not for everyone. The cost is high because it is a private school, but I felt it was well worth it. Overall, I use something I learned every day. I definitely understand my students thinking better and I am more aware of their different needs. Especially those with learning problems. I not only understand what the problems are but how they affect everything else. For the first few classes, I thought I was in over my head. They are all more brain and how it works, almost medical classes. But once I got those and started applying those classes to the later classes, it had a very nice learning flow. I would recommend it. =)

  3. Thank you for replying, Samantha!! I appreciate the feedback because I don't personally know anyone who's done this program. I will take all that into consideration!! :)
    - Rachel
