Saturday, October 27, 2012

Student Data Notebook

Teachers rely on data and observations to make decisions about our students daily. I spend more time tracking and analyzing data assessments every year. My lessons are all based on the data! I'm sure it's the same for you all too. While the data gives me get insight to my students, it can be overwhelming and time consuming. 
During the last nine weeks last year, I wanted to try something different. If it worked, I would save some time and if not, there was nothing lost!  So, I decided to see if the charts and graphs would help the students to see their growth. 
I was amazed at what happened as students began being accountable for recording their fluency scores each week on a graph. The students began compare one reading to the next and setting their own goals! I had students reaching goals they set for themselves, which were sometimes way beyond what I would have set for them myself. It was a great experiment, and I am ready to try it with this class. Now that the first nine weeks have end, it's time to give it a whirl! 
I would love to know how you track student data and if you have the students track it themselves. 


  1. I have been trying to create something similar to what you have done. I've only completed a couple of items though:-( it takes so much time and I always seem to run short of that commodity. I would like to try having the students track their own data, I'm thinking that giving them the responsibility will make them more aware of where they are and need to go!

  2. I haven't had my students track their own data, but have toyed with the idea and want to implement it with my students. I also teach in Fla in a small rural district, every day is a new adventure...

  3. I have been putting together data binders for my students, also. Hoping to have them ready for our new marking period. Thanks,

  4. Hi! I'm here from Rockin Teacher Materials and her terrific giveaway. I would love to win your Student Data Notebook! I've been thinking of starting that!

  5. I think using the student data notebooks is a great idea. I have been wanting to implement using them in my classroom but I haven't the time to get everything organized and ready!! Your set would be a great resource to get started!!

  6. As of early next year, I am officially a primary teacher!! The Student Data Notebook looks like it would be invaluable - I'm always looking out for things that will just *work* when I'm in the classroom ( therookieteacher AT ).

  7. I keep a data notebook with class graphs to chart progress. I've thought about the idea of student graphs and having them keep track of it. I think it would be's just trying to get it started! :)

  8. I love this! This would be a great addition to what I've been using!


  9. Oh, wow! These look great! I use checklists that I keep in notebooks to track student progress, but I like the idea of students tracking their own progress so that it makes them more aware of their progression and more likely to set goals (as has worked in your classroom). Great idea!

    Treasures for Teaching

  10. While reading your post, I was shaking me head "yes" to what you were saying. For years, our 3rd-5th graders kept their own data notebooks plotting their fluency scores, as well as their benchmark test scores for each nine weeks. Yes, it does make a difference in the students' accountability - and interest level. It brings out the competetiveness in them! I am now teaching 2nd grade after 27 years in 3rd/4th, so I do not have a date notebook for my 2nd graders in Common Core. I would love to do this with them!!

  11. This looks great! I have the students track their math fluency tests but I do the other charts and I have not found something that fits my needs. I would love to win your data notebook!

  12. I just started Data Notebooks and LOVE them. I was unaware of so many resources and I ended up creating all of it on my own. I wanted to get them started at the beginning of the year and my kids so far have really bought-in to the whole idea of being accountable and competing with themselves to reach their goals, and not competing with the class. I would love to win your data notebook to be able to add to what I have already created.
