Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hey all! Summer school finished up last week and I have been enjoying my summer break. I hope you are too! Today we were stuck in the house with a sick munchkin, so I started working on somethings for my classroom. I needed a new set of days of the weeks and months of the year for the calendar. The calendar poster I got has a lot of bright colors, so here's what I made. 

Click the photo to grab it! 

Monday, July 2, 2012


One of my first purchases from TPT was from Amanda Nickerson at One Extra Degree. I have to say, it has been my favorite and most used purchase. (You can check it out by clicking the picture.)
Each comprehension strategy is tied to a tool.
 This is the toolkit I made using Amanda's instructions. 
(I added the caution boarder. I also labeled each of the tools.)
My students loved to use the toolkit. It was great for my visual and tactile learners. 

I ended the year with synthesizing. We learned this cute poem I found on Pinterest. (The link no longer works. =( So if this is your's, please leave a comment so I can credit you! )
I also recreated the toolman. He's from Scrappin Doodles. The kids helped label and define all the strategies.
We read a few poems and charted our synthesizing on this. 
Then to show what their synthesizing, they read a poem and completed their own graphic organizer.
At the end of the week, and after much practice, the students selected their own text. They used this graphic organizer to show their thinking.
 I have gone back and tweaked it some. I added some anchor chart statements to help the students create "I am thinking" statements. 
Grab your copy here!